Material and processes
Moral/ethical considerations


Two comic artists I wanted to look into was Eduardo Pelegrín Martínez de Pisón, who is best known as Calpurnio and Jhonen Vasquez.
Calpurnio was a comic artist, aswell as a animator and illustrator. He is most known for making the comic series El Bueno de Cuttlas that would appear in various spanish newspapers such as El País ,El Víbora, Heraldo de Aragón, 20 minutos, and Revista Plaza. The comics would consist of the main character, Cuttlas, going about his everyday activities, alongside other characters. The stories would switch from having a simple narratives to having a complex narratives, talking about various things such as politics, media and wars, while still staying humerous.

A different collection of comics I wanted to look into was Jhonen Vasquez's 'Filler Bunny'. The comics would appear in between the panels of Vasquez's other comics and the whole basic concept was about filler content in comics. Filler Bunny looks cute and fluffy, but the comic has dark humor and surreal themes.

Comics, in its simplest form, can be defined as sequential art. Comics are stories that use both words and pictures to tell a tale. They can come in different shapes and sizes, from comic books to webcomics. Comics have been around for a long time and have become a popular and powerful way of telling stories. They come in many different styles and can cover a variety of topics.
Final 4 illustrations